Remedy Maker

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What is Dynamis RM 03?
Dynamis RM 03 is a workshop device that simulates any homeopathic remedy in any potency from X to LM (X, C, M, MM, M3, M4, M5, LM) up to 999,999 MM. It has a copy facility that allows the user to copy any existing remedy or substance.
It has the ability to combine multiple remedies into one tablet or liquid.
Basic principle of making homeopathic remedies using this device is energising starch ball or water and is based on comprehension that all physical substances have unique energetic pattern.
Energy records are represented by unique set of numbers or codes. This product is perfect for homeopaths on the move, who need a portable remedy maker light enough to be easily and quickly used in a clinic or in the field. This device can also be used by homeopathic patients under the guidance of their homeopath, which allows the homeopath to prescribe remedies from anywhere. The instrument is very easy and safe to use, it doesn’t require maintenance, has a 3 year guarantee, and comes with user manual and code book for majority of known remedies.
Basic characteristics
Product name
Workshop device - Egerr
Dynamis RM03
Width 16 cm, Hight 9 cm, Length 25 cm
Natural wood – steemed beech
Power supply
9V battery
Polypropylene, stainless steel, electronic components, wood
1,2 kg
Natural wood hue
How does Dynamis Remedy Maker work?
To use the device put the substance for remedy, adjust the buttons to match the numbers from the codebook used by homepaths and hold the 0/1 button on for 7 seconds.
Potentiometer buttons are labeled with code numbers from 0 to 10. On Dynamis RM 03 device there are 9 of these buttons.
Buttons are aligned from left to right and from top to bottom. First row has 4 buttons, second row has 4 more and third row has one button.
When inserting code from the codebook, start with the first button (upper left) and work from there. If a code contains less than 9 numbers, leave zero (0) on the rest of the buttons.
Third row also contains:
- Potency hight button from 1 to 999 (1, 2, 4, 6, 15, 30, 50, 100, 200, 999)
- Potency button from X to LM (X, C, M, MM, M3, M4, M5, LM).
- In addition to these buttons there is also 0/1 button which, after selecting potency and code, should be pressed and held for about 7 seconds.
The remedy you are making is put in bottom dish in plastic or glass containers. Upper dish is for copying and you put the sample you want to copy in it, but in this case leave the potentiometer code buttons at zero (0), and adjust only the two potency buttons.
If you wish to depotentiate already made remedy, put it in the bottom dish, leave the codes at zero, adjust potency to LM, potency hight to 999, press the 0/1 button and hold for about 15 seconds.
Existing natural crystal shapes and biological systems form morphogenetic fields. Under the influence of morphogenetic fields, fractals, or patterns for forming new shapes arise from chaotic systems. They are in their smallest detail also carriers of information of the whole.
The device creates morphogenetic field in the chaotic system of the dish and uner its impact fractals arise, as a pattern of a natural form. In the dish, morphogenetic field of a form is transferred to the substance, which is used to make homeopathic remedy.
Potency codebook
In order to find the value for a remedy, type in the name or the first few letters of the name, Alanine for example.
PDF codebook
Download codebook for offline use when you are not able to use our search engine.
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